Some eggs have soft shells, why? Soft shells can be caused by a variety of factors, including the hen’s diet, health, and environmental conditions. Here are some possible causes: Calcium deficiency – calcium is the main component of the eggshell. If the hen does not get enough of this mineral in her diet, the shell may be thin, soft, or even rubbery. Stress – hens are very sensitive to stress. Changes in the environment, noise, new birds in the henhouse, or illnesses can all lead to eggs with weaker shells. Age of the hen – young hens that are just starting to lay eggs and older hens may have trouble creating hard shells. Diseases – some diseases can weaken the hen’s body and affect the quality of the eggs produced. Genetics – the breed of the hen can also affect the thickness and quality of the shell. Environmental conditions – high temperatures, low humidity, or insufficient light can all negatively affect egg production.


What can you do to improve the quality of your eggshells? Take care of the diet of the chickens – make sure that the chickens have constant access to fresh water and calcium-rich food, such as chalk for chickens or special feed mixtures. Minimize stress – create a calm and safe environment for the chickens. Avoid frequent changes in the hen house and provide enough places to rest and hide. Regularly check the health of the chickens – observe your chickens for any signs of illness and consult a vet if necessary. Provide the right environmental conditions – maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the hen house.